Our renewable energy is Squeaky Clean!
As part of our commitment to design out CO2 and responsibly procure our goods and services Tarmac has signed a landmark deal, known as a “power purchase agreement” or PPA to procure 100% renewable electricity across the business.
We are taking steps to transition our business to a low carbon economy and this power purchase agreement makes a significant contribution towards this goal whilst delivering financial savings and budget stability. We have been working closely with our supply chain partner Squeaky Clean Energy Limited who have developed a next-generation supply platform that allows businesses to buy clean electricity directly from generators and the wholesale market in an efficient and transparent manner.
Under the agreement Tarmac is guaranteed clean energy by the windfarm owner, Norwegian energy giant Statkraft, which will issue REGO certificates (Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin) matching the output of the windfarms. This helps to ensure that all of our electricity is 100% clean and fully traceable to source.
Contrary to popular belief, Renewable doesn’t necessarily mean non-polluting, sustainable or carbon-neutral. Our energy is 100% clean, meaning wind, solar and hydro power only.
The agreement covers 500,000 MWh of energy and will save around 130,000 tonnes of CO2 each year.
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